What means the name “Cœurs d’EHS”?
In French, there is a play on words: « E » is the initial of « Êtres » (=Beings), « H » is the initial of « Humains » (=Human), « S » is the initial of « Sensibles » (=Sensitive) or « Solidaires » (=Solidary) and « Coeurs » means « Hearts » in English. So, « Coeurs d’EHS » means « Hearts of sensitive and supportive human beings »!
We are an association of human beings sensitive to electromagnetic fields and of supportive human beings, aware of the impact of EMF on health.
Why a yellow heart? Because yellow is the color of the canaries that raise the alarm, which is what electrosensitive people are.
Why a hummingbird on our logo? Because, like the hummingbird in the legend, we are doing our share to have this environmental pathology recognized and to reach out to the most vulnerable electro-sensitive people.

In the manner of the hummingbirds, we strive to:
– inform about the health risks of electromagnetic pollution,
– make electro-hypersensitivity known and recognized,
– bring help and support to electrosensitive people in difficulty.
So far, our international actions have focused on promoting World EHS Day,
created by our association on June 16, 2018.
The Facebook group June 16 has been created to communicate about this event.

Coeurs d’EHS is a French association,
legally created on May 21, 2018.