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Please send your photos and press articles to
so that we can report on the actions organized!
Hello everyone,
On June 16th, the 7th edition of the World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution will take place, so renamed in order to clearly understand that electro-hypersensitive people (EHS) have become so because of an ultra-polluted environment.
It is indeed important to underline that the problem comes from environmental pollution and not from a disease from which EHS suffer. When EHS sufferers spend enough time in an unpolluted environment, their health recovers by itself.
To cure EHS, you don’t need medication, but a healthy environment! EHS sufferers are sentinels of human health and alerters. Listening to them is also saving oneself from the danger of this gigantic pollution that is totally ignored.
Electromagnetic pollution is not only toxic for EHS, it also weakens the immune defenses of the whole population and is a major co-factor in the triggering of various pathologies depending on the fragility of each individual.
That’s why reducing electrosmog should be a priority public health objective… which it won’t be as long as the telecoms lobbies are able to make a profit by irradiating the whole planet, to the detriment of our health and biodiversity.
The objective of the World EHS Day is not only to highlight the moral and physical suffering of the millions of EHS people already impacted by electromagnetic pollution but also to warn the rest of the population about a danger they are unaware of.
To do this, I call on all associations, collectives, groups and professionals concerned in France and abroad to join us with the means at their disposal and in the way they wish (see below).
The organization of events such as EHS gatherings is great, but I’d like to stress that it’s also very important to take advantage of this Day to reach out to those who don’t know about this intolerance and those who suffer from it.
I therefore suggest that, depending on your situation and your possibilities, you do the following:
– Show your support for EHS
– Make the invisible EHS visible
– Inform about electro-hypersensitivity
– Inform about the health risks generated by electrosmog
– Inform about preventive and protective health solutions
… locally, near you, the way you want it!
Show your support for EHS

You can show your support in a variety of ways, for example :
– by circulating this information to all your contacts via e-mail and social networks, and even to your local press if possible.
– by hanging yellow on your windows, your balcony or by going for a walk dressed in yellow.
– by taking a picture of yourself with the Day’s poster in public places and posting it on social networks.
– by adding a yellow heart to your profile picture on social networks that day (see below).
Find others!
Make the invisible EHS visible
At present, many EHS people are hiding, let’s show solidarity, think of them and give these whistleblowers the visibility they deserve through symbolic acts.
I count on you to find original and creative ways to underline the impossibility for them to go to public places that are too polluted. You could, for example, mark their absence :
– by placing an empty yellow chair in the middle of people in places of social and cultural gatherings.
– by placing a yellow T-shirt mannequin in front of well-known sites, with the pollution level indicated.
– carrying yellow signs explaining what happened to them and why they were not there.
… not forgetting to take pictures and post them on social networks and on our Facebook page and group, of course!

Inform about electro-hypersensitivity

The aim is to explain in simple terms:
– the causes (overexposure to waves often added to intoxication to metals or rare earths, to a multiple chemical hypersensitivity, to an infection by bacteria or viruses reacting to EMF (candidiasis, Lyme, etc.),
– the symptoms,
– the consequences (professional, social, family, often leading to exclusion, wandering, even suicide).
Thank you for being patient with the skeptics. Fortunately, most of the time, people are already aware of the problem of waves and are in demand of information on this subject.
Take this opportunity to inform the general public about all the existing associations that can provide information and help. You’ll find some of them here.
Inform about the health risks
generated by electrosmog
There are many of them. Beyond electrosensitivity, you can help the general public understand that electromagnetic waves don’t just make 5% of the population intolerant to waves, but weaken ALL living organisms in general, and are one of the triggers for various pathologies.
Take the opportunity to communicate on the wide range of pathologies caused by prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves and on the human and financial cost to society.
Inform pregnant women of the risks for their fetus, parents of the risks for their children, seniors of the risks of premature degeneration of their brain (neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.).

Inform about prevention
and health protection solutions

The aim is to inform the general public about the different sources of artificial electromagnetic fields they are confronted with on a daily basis and to explain how to avoid unnecessary exposure to them.
To preserve our health, it is important to:
1) Eliminate all indoor pollution emitted by mobile telephony and wireless technologies by favouring wired connections.
2) Block external pollution by using anti high frequency protections and filtering the domestic electrical network to protect ourselves from electrical pollution (dirty electricity).
3) Sleep connected to the ground and totally protected in order to promote a restful sleep allowing the body to better support the exposures during the day.
I hope that many professionals will take advantage of the Day to organize free open-house workshops to inform the general public and raise their profile at the same time.
Material at your disposal

Logos and Facebook profile design with transparent background

As every year, our dedicated June 16 Facebook group has been reactivated to promote this 7th event. It’s in English so we can communicate with any foreign groups, collectives or associations wishing to join us and coordinate their actions with ours.
Some excellent initiatives have emerged since the 1st edition in 2018, and I invite you to read the reports of what has been organized in different countries for inspiration:
WEHSD 2018 – WEHSD 2019 – WEHSD 2020 – WEHSD 2021 – WEHSD 2022
All together on June 16!
This Day will be a success if it changes the way the general public looks at EHS and encourages caring behavior towards them.
All over the world there are Electro Hyper Sensitive People hiding in the most remote, isolated, forgotten and desperate places. It is towards these Sensitive Human Beings that I will ask you on June 16, 2024 to be in solidarity and to carry the voice of those who can no longer do so by showing your support for this cause that concerns us all!
TOGETHER, let’s make common cause so that electrosensitivity is definitively known by the general public and recognized by the governments.
Help us, support us and join us!
Magali Lesure
Founder of Cœurs d’EHS
About us