World EHS Day 2018 – Report in pictures

Here is the picture report of this event.

Video by Héloïse Combes
Internationalization of the Day!

The National Day of Electrosensitivity is now an international event because many groups, collectives and foreign associations spontaneously joined us when they heard about our action via the event we created on our Facebook page:

16 juin 2018 : Journée nationale de l’Électrosensibilité

Our Facebook event has quickly spread beyond our borders, following which 6 new Facebook events have been created in foreign languages, at the initiative of foreign groups, to allow everyone to better know and follow our action.
Our logo has been translated into 12 languages and a hashtag was created for the occasion: #IDelectrosense!

« The Day goes global!
See you on June 16! »


  • Taken by Stop Linky collectif citoyen Pontivy communauté:
  • Organized by the association Cœurs d’EHS:

On our side, we decided to go to a large beach of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie to draw hearts on the sand and take advantage of the curiosity of the walkers to answer their questions. The collective « Stop Linky Riez Vie » joined us in this action. We all spent a very pleasant moment together.

This empty yellow chair symbolizes the fact that many EHS can no longer come and walk on this beach because of the wifi spot that is there and the relay antenna nearby. The most affected electrosensitive people can hardly go anywhere and are condemned to the most cruel isolation. It is in particular to fight against this that the association Cœurs d’EHS was created.

  • Published in


  • Organized by Pernille Schriver:


  • Published on Oasi Sana:

16 Giugno, OASI SANA aderisce alla Giornata Internazionale dell’Elettrosensibilità
(da Segovia-Madrid una catena umana, poi convegno a Firenze)


  • Made by Lavi Perchik for the EHS Day:


  • Published on
  • Made by the association Eerlijk over Straling:
  • Organised by the association Let’s Talk About Tech:

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